To be continued
On the 2 of June a presentation of the Project “Education against Drugs”, supported by IREX, took place in the Methodic Centre of the Education Department of the City of Chernihiv. More than 40 people took part in the event. There were:
• Deputy Principals of Chernihiv schools;
• Trainers of the “EAD” program;
• Officials from the Education Department and Pedagogical University;
• Journalists from the City TV Company and Region Radio.
Valeriy Ryabukha, the author of the program “EAD”, made a speech on the practical experience of the program conducting, demonstrated photo material and asked the participants to share their point of view on the Program.
All of them did support the Project. 14 participants gave short speeches on the theme.
Lydia Dobrovolska, Deputy Principal of the school #20 offered to use lessons “Basic safety in life” to conduct the Program.
Sergiy Sarana, Deputy Principal of the school #21 suggested training trainers at schools on a high level.
The author of the program promised to assist with the training. He presented each participant with a set of literature “EAD”
To be continued…
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The one who goes will overcome the way
On the 17 of May, 2005 a meeting on the drugs prevention took
place in Chernihiv Region Administration. The leaders of the
proper region services (Health Care, Education, Police, etc.) took
part in the event.
Volodymyr Tandura, a Deputy Head of the Region Administration
offered to conduct the meeting like a free discussion of the
problem and generating of ideas.
Petro Seden, the Chief Doctor of the Narcology Hospital,
Volodymyr Honcharenko, the Chief of Drug Resistance Region Police
Unit, Volodymyr Beshun, a Deputy Head of the City of Chernihiv and
other participants took part in the discussion.
Valeriy Ryabukha, the Deputy Chief of the Chernihiv Migration
Department gave a presentation on the program “Education Against
Drugs” and shared his point of view how to combat the problem of
drugs, and strongly related to it problems of criminality and
Valeriy thought the components of the successful drug abuse
prevention were:
• Welfare;
• Law enforcement measures;
• Medical measures;
• Education.
The Author of “EAD” program deemed the education was the most
important point to resist drugs successfully. The main problems
were lack of real will and not proper coordination of social
resources on the direction.
Valeriy Ryabukha offered:
1. To conduct drugs, crime, HIV/AIDS preventive programs at
each school of the Region.
2. To establish a post of the Region Head Assistant on drugs,
crime, HIV/AIDS prevention and corresponding posts in the cities
of Chernihiv, Nizhyn, Plyluki.
The one who goes will overcome the way!
Sociological Research
Sociology specialist Alla Popruzhna, a Lecturer for the Chernihiv Law College in April 2005 conducted sociological research on the effectiveness of the Program “Education against Drugs”. One hundred students from five Chernihiv schools, where the Program had been conducted, responded seven questions on the matter.
According to the research majority of the students accepted the Program positively. Only few of them did not like it.
The lesson “The destiny of a drug addict” was the most interesting. The lesson “The ways to say no” took the second position and the third one was “Your future. Conscious choice”.
For the question “Which would be your answer if you are offered drugs?” 100% of the girls responded no. The boy agreed with the girls but 4.5 % of them wrote they would try.
Among main reasons to reject drugs the respondents pointed caring for their future and fear of death due to overdosing or infection.
There were no students who did not understand the lessons. Only 13 % of the boys did not get new knowledge on the drugs.
Answering the question “Who is responsible for your future?” the respondents put themselves ahead, then - parents and at last – teachers.
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Internet chat
On the 27 of April an Internet chat on the theme “Education against Drugs” took place. High school students from Chernihiv (Ukraine) and Medford (Massachusetts, USA) took part in the event.
The chat was lasting for two hours. In the beginning Valeriy Ryabukha, was giving questions on the drug abuse prevention matter. All participants shared their point of view. Among the questions there were:
1. Why do people abuse drugs?
2. Is drug abuse a problem of the abuser or a problem of the society?
3. Do we really need such programs like DARE? Why?
4. What would you do to resist drug abuse?
5. What do you know on Ukraine (USA)?
Then the students started free communication. They were discovering another world and saw that apart from the Atlantic only few things divide our countries.
The full info on the chat is available in the web site: , to select the proper day in the calendar.
Robin Doherty (Medford Police Department officer) and Valeriy Ryabukha are the people who have been helping students to bridge the gaps.
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Work with volunteers
On the 23-24 of April IREX arranged a seminar “Work with volunteers”. It took place in Kyiv in the “Bratyslava” Hotel. American Programs Alumni from Lviv, Mykolaiv, Donetsk, Odesa, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv and other cities took part in the event.
During the seminar the participants shared their experience in the area with the colleagues.
The Chernihiv Program “Education against Drugs” conducted by volunteers had been introduced as well and had much of interest.
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Second edition of the book
The second edition of the book “Education against Drugs” has been published recently. The safety manual was supplemented and improved due to the practical experience at Chernihiv schools. 1000 items were issued. The project has been supported by the Chernihiv City Council and fund “UCAN”. NGO “AHALAR” has arranged it.
Valeriy Ryabukha, the author of the Program has added two more lessons to “EAD”:
• “Let us talk on HIV/AIDS”;
• “Safety lesson”.
Other six lessons have been changed but not considerably.
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Social mission of the Pedagogical University
On the 5 of April meeting of future social teachers with the team which had been conducting the “EAD” program took place at the Chernihiv Pedagogical University. The history, peculiarities, logistics of the program were being discussed. Several presentations on the “EAD” experience and personal point of view on the matter were made by:
• Lyudmyla Zavatska, professor, Chief of the Social Pedagogy Department;
• Valeriy Ryabukha, the author of the “EAD” program;
• Anya Herasymenko, a trainer of the program;
• Ira Soroka, a trainer of the program;
• Olena Lytovchenko, a trainer of the program.
The University Administration would like the cooperation to be continued.
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Anya Herasymenko will remember her twenty years Birthday for a long time. This day, on the 21 of February, 2005 at 8.00 she was already conducting the lesson “One injection and its consequences” together with her friend Ira Soroka at Chernihiv School #10.
Anya was presenting children with prizes, knowledge, good mood and love. She got a present as well. Any is a future social educator. She has been studying excellently at Pedagogical University and composing nice poems.
The lesson was being watched by Oksana Marynashchenko, the form master and Valeriy Ryabukha, the author of the program “Education against Drugs”.
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Police seminar
On the 16 of February the seminar “Education against Drugs” for the Juvenile Delinquencies Police Officers took place at the Chernihiv IATP center in the Kotsyubynskiy Library.
Valeriy Ryabukha, the Author of the program, made a presentation on the aim, essence and peculiarities of conducting lessons “EAD”. He gave the participants the booklets “Make a choice for yourself” and books “Education against Drugs – for parents who care”.
Valeriy Kur’yanov, the Chief of the Chernihiv Region Juvenile Delinquencies Police Unit, on behalf of those present expressed his interest in the Program and readiness to cooperate in future as well.
Two police officers Natalia Savchenko and Pavlo Kozlov have been conducting the “EAD” program in the third school of the City (#6, 32,19) and receiving positive feedback from children and teachers.
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The way our dreams to come true
On the second of February a regular seminar for the EAD program trainers took place in the Chernihiv IATP centre. During the seminar the participants were debating a positive experience and problems which appeared while conducting the lessons.
Tamara Yanchenko, a Lecturer for the Chernihiv Pedagogical University and Yuriy Trohkymenko, the Head of the NGO “AHALAR” took part in the seminar.
Mrs. Yanchenko while a presentation gave some methodological advice and on behalf of the University administration supported the program EAD and underlined that University would support it in the next instructional year as well. Mr. Trohkymenko, the NGO pioneer in Chernihiv Region, gave a presentation on the essence of NGOs, their functions, and opportunities to realize our plots.
Valeriy Ryabukha, the author of the program, offered to implement new, interesting for children ideas like the role game “Drugs under trial”. Such a brainchild may be actualized through the Project “Smile” which is administered by the International Research and Exchange Board (IREX).
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Recently the Chernihiv publishing house “Desnyanska Pravda” has published two manuals “Education against Drugs”. One of them is a small book (20 pages) for “Parents who care” and other is a booklet for teenagers “Make a choice for yourself”.
The edition of each of the manuals is 1.000 items. All of them will be distributed free of charge via secondary schools.
The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the US Department of State through the International Research and Exchange Board has made this project possible. The author of the program and publications is Valeriy Ryabukha.
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Saturday lessons
On the 18 of December 2004 “Education against Drugs” trainers Victoria Kyriyenko and Sergiy Semenenko conducted the forth program lesson at Chernihiv special school #1. The theme of the lesson was “One injection and its consequences”. While counting advantages and disadvantages of using drugs and afterwards evaluating of each point according to the three point scale the final score appeared to be 7 positive points against 41 negative ones from such experience.
On the same day trainers Olena Lytovchenko, Anya Herasymenko and Iryna Soroka conducted the last sixth program lesson at special school #1. The theme was “Your future. Conscious choice”. The 8-B form pupils and their form master Ruslana Dement’yeva expressed their gratitude to the trainers for interesting and useful lessons and experience.
The Chernihiv City TV company made report on the lesson and program.
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Police Lesson
On the 7 of December, 2004 officers of the Juvenile Delinquency Department of the Chernihiv City Police Natasha Savchenko and Pavlo Kozlov conducted the fifth lesson of the program “Education against Drugs” at Chernihiv School # 32. The theme of the lesson was “Kinds of behavior in crisis situation”.
Pupils of the 8-“G” form joyfully greeted their police mentors. Natasha and Pavlo delivered theoretical material and shared their practical experience on the matter.
The lesson was being observed by Halyna Kurnikova - the form master and Valeriy Ryabukha - the Author of the Program.
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Saturday lesson at school #1
On the 27 of November the “Education against Drugs” trainers Anya Herasymenko, Olena Lytovchenko and Iryna Soroka conducted the third lesson of the program “EAD” (“Destiny of a drugs addict”) at Chernihiv School #1.
During the lesson the pupils of the 8-B form were watching to films on the theme, expressing their impressions and thoughts regarding the problem. To make communication easier the children had prepared badges with their own names.
The lesson was being observed by Ruslana Dement’yeva (the form master) and Valeriy Ryabukha (the author of the program)
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Boarding school invites guests
On November 17, 2004 the cadets of the Chernihiv Law College of the Penitentiary Department of Ukraine Anastasiya Hhatyuk and Artem Ivanytsya conducted a lesson “Education against Drugs” for pupils of the boarding school of the City of Chernihiv.
Artem and Anastasiya, as if senior brother and sister, shared their point of view on the social problem of drug abuse. They told stories from a real life.
The children were presented with booklets “Make a choise for yourself”.
The lesson had been initiated by the school administration.
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Seminar at Ripky Gymnasium
On October 19, 2004 a seminar “Education Against Drugs” took place in the computer center of Ripky Gymnasium. Among the participants there were deputy directors and gymnasium teachers (altogether - 12 people).
During the seminar Valeriy Ryabukha, a Senior Lecturer for the Chernihiv Law College shared his point of view on the following issues:
• International experience in the area of drug abuse, HIV/AIDS and crime prevention;
• The aim and peculiarities of “EAD” conducting;
• Using the Internet while preparing and implementing the program “EAD”
The event was supported by the Internet Access and Training Program (IATP).
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“Education Against Drugs” at school # 30
On October 14, 2004 in 8-C form of the Chernihiv secondary school #30 the fourth lesson of the program “EAD” took place. The theme of the lesson was “One injection and its consequences”. The class was conducted by students of the Chernihiv Pedagogical University: Maryna Dukhno, Tanya Roman’ko and Anya Sakhyuk.
The pupils had prepared theme reports and were actively participating in the discussion. The most active pupils were rewarded with prizes.
Liliya Molonosova, the school psychologist was observing the lesson.
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Lesson “One injection and its consequences” at school #2
On the 12 of October trainers of the “Education Against Drugs” program Olena Lytovchenko, Anya Herasymenko and Iryna Soroka conducted regular the forth lesson of the program in 8-“B” form of Chernihiv secondary school # 2. The theme of the lesson was “One injection and its consequences”. The pupils communicated actively with the trainers and expressed their thoughts. The essence of the lesson was calculation of the advantages and disadvantages of drug using. After working in teams the children named five advantages (new experience, using in medicine…) with a total sum of (+) 8 scores, and 17 disadvantages related with drugs (probability of death, HIV/AIDS, lost future…) with a sum of (-) 47 scores.
So, the final result was (-) 39 scores.
Olexandra Trofyneko, the form master and Valeriy Ryabukha, the author of the “EAD” program took part in the lesson.
The program “EAD” is supported by the organizations IREX and UCAN. The AHALAR Center administers it. The Chernihiv community collected money for conduction of the lessons.
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Lesson "Education Against Drugs" at school # 12
On October 5, 2004 “Education Against Drugs” trainers Oksana Loboda and Lyubov Dudko conducted the second lesson of the program at 8 - “D” form of the Chernihiv secondary school # 12
The Form master Natalia Skakun and Senior Lecturer for Law College Valeriy Ryabukha took part in the lesson.
After watching the film “Beyond the line” the pupils told many real life stories about drug addicts.
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Lesson "What do we know on drugs?" at school #6
On October 4, 2004 the second lesson from the program “Education Against Drugs”
took place in the 8-“C” form of the secondary school # 6 of the City of
Chernihiv. The theme of the lesson was “What do we know about drugs?”. The class
was conducted by two Police officers: Natalia Savchenko and Pavel Kozlov. They
represented the Juvenile Delinquency Unit of Chermihiv City Police Department.
Following the English saying “seeing is believing” the trainers used video
films about the drugs and destiny of drug addicts.
The students told they would be looking forward to the coming lessons “EAD”.
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"Education Against Drugs" at lyceum #15
On the first of October the third lesson of the program “Education Against
Drugs” took place at the Chernihiv school-lyceum #15. The lesson on the theme
“Destiny of drug addict” was conducted by Sergiy Semenenko (a student of the
Chernihiv Pedagogical University) and Valeriy Ryabukha (a lecturer for the
Chernihiv Law College). The pupils of 8-“B” form got interested in the theme and
shared their thoughts and stories from movies and real life.
In the first instructional quarter the program is conduced at schools ## 2,
6, 12, 15, 30.
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IREX helps
In September 2004 training of the “Education Against Drugs” program trainers
took place in the City of Chernihiv. IREX (International Research and Exchange
Board) has been supporting the program.
Eight students of the Chernihiv Pedagogical University named after Taras
Shevchenko (future social educators: Lyubov Dudko, Maryna Dukhno, Anna
Herasymenko, Victoria Kyriyenko, Olena Lytovchenko, Oleksandra Pen’kova, Anna
Sakhnyuk, Iryna Soroka) and two Juvenile Delinquency Police officers (Natalia
Savchenko and Pavlo Kozlov) were getting practical skills to conduct lessons
“Education Against Drugs”.
Implementation of the program “EAD” started on September 21 at Chernihiv
secondary schools # 2 (8 - B form), # 6 (8 - C form), # 12 (8 - D form), # 15 (8
- B form), # 30 (8 - C form).
Good luck!
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Education Against Drugs
On the 6-th of September 2004 a seminar “Education Against Drugs” took place in
the Science Methodical Centre of the Department of Education and Science of the
City of Chernihiv. The form masters of the 20 forms of the eighth grade (13-14
years old) where the program “EAD” would be conduced and the trainers of the
program (eight students of the Chernihiv Pedagogical University and two Juvenile
Delinquency officers) as well some representatives of Department of Education
took part in the event.
The seminar was conducted by Valeriy Ryabukha, Senior Lecturer of Chernihiv
Law College of the Penitentiary Department of Ukraine, the author of the program
“EAD”. The aim of the arrangement was introduction of the program “EAD”,
practical aspects of the lessons “EAD”, cooperation between the teachers, the
trainers and the Police.
The seminar was funded by IREX.
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The trainers were:
Valeriy Ryabukha - Senior Lecturer for Chernihiv Law College of the
Penitentiary Department of Ukraine;
Natalia Homenko - Probation Officer;
Tamara Yashchenko - Lecturer for Chernihiv Pedagogical University